Host Cities and Venue
39 Leningradskoe highway, Moscow 125212 Russia
Tel: +7 903 263 96 93
Closest Airports:
• Sheremetievo (SVO)
We strongly recommend using Sheremetievo (SVO) airport (20 km) to avoid a traffic problem from the airport to the venue/hotel.
Two other airports are more than 50 km (!) away
• Domodedovo (DME)
• Vnukovo (VKO)
Please Note (!): Promoter cannot guarantee that it will take less than 2 hours to get from the airports Domodedovo (DME) and Vnukovo (VKO) to the venue/hotel. Please choose Sheremetievo (SVO) airport in Moscow as the main option.
Distance to the airports:
• Sheremetievo (SVO) apprx.20 km
• Domodedovo (DME) apprx.62 km
• Vnukovo (VKO) apprx.53 km
Details of transport from airport to venue:
• Sheremetievo (SVO)
Fastest way:
• Domodedovo (DME).
Fastest way:
• Vnukovo (VKO).
Fastest way:
Transport available: links above point to websites railway shuttle schedules. Every airport also offers taxi (24h) and minibus shuttles (6am - 11pm).
For the shuttle service please contact us at:
Please Note (!): Promoter cannot guarantee that it will take less than 2 hours to get from the airports Domodedovo (DME) and Vnukovo (VKO) to the venue/hotel. Please choose Sheremetievo (SVO) airport in Moscow as the main option.
Training Courts: 39 Leningradskoe highway, venue
Number of courts - 4
Availability: from 22.05.2016 MON
Extra Training Courts will be available at the “National Tennis Center named in honor of Juan Antonio Samaranch” Leningradskoe highway, 45-47
Contact Person 1: Mrs. Sonia Danilova
Mobile: +7 916 693 84 17
Email: ,
Contact person 2:
Ms. Evgeniya Volodarskaya
Mobile: +7 965 436 32 89
Email: &